Lex Talion

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The Journey Of Lucifer Lyrics
He dragged his body - until he reached a path,
Drank water from the heavens - and his hell was built up again

Stronger and standing - his smile returned to his face
And he mockingly thanked the Light - for helping him start over

He divided the seas - and lurked upon the desert soils,
He marked off his new world - in reverence to his new God.

Light, you dragged your feet in blindness
Light, so you quenched your thirst
Light, you took from his mercy
Light, a thousand smiles will burn!

The rightful son of Dawn - pulled down from the heavens,
Prodigious bright star and Oh so beautiful a ruler of nations he has become

From the northern end - in the valley of gathering,
He embarked on his journey again, for he dreams of being like his maker

Light, that you drank from the spring
Light, you thought you could not be killed
Light, so righteous without a king
Light, and your law shall be his Will!

Cmo has cado de los cielos, Lucero, hijo de la Aurora
(How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of Dawn)

Light, you dragged your feet in blindness
Light, so you quenched your thirst

Light, so righteous without a king
Light, and your law shall be his Will!
Light, a thousand smiles will burn!
Light... Lucifer!

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.