Lex Talion

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Origin (Introduction) Lyrics
Like a trifling omen, the mortal listens to the wolves howling.
The sweet voice of nature, in its profound rite, blinds the curious traveller
who goes deep into a world he does not belong to as man destroys
through action what he does not know, with his own doubts and his own
being. Yet, attracted by the millennial chants, he decides to be careful and limits himself to lying in wait.

Every step is a revelation towards the uncertain and the unknown. But the animality of man, as every other beasts of nature, makes him follow the final course, which is not delivered by anything else but by the demise caused by nature itself. And, in the wake of this very demise, new life grows to feed from the remains of another, and the fervor of the storm and the lullaby of Mother Nature guard it.

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.