Lex Talion

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Funeral In The Forest Lyrics
Among shadows of resentment,
A dead man walking, he escaped,
To the silence of a better place

Ran to the forest seeking
to get resurrection,
as a way of starting over

He invoked that power
Demanding for rebirth,
To be a part of life in that immensity,

And his wish it was fulfilled,
Blood to sap he turned
He became a tree to shade in loneliness

Unable to feel
Saw his leaves falling
Slowly in perpetual agony
Of a wish thats wrongly made.

Arcane with no return,
Cruel joke of fate,
Sadness, loneliness, and at the end
His branches perished as he did

Tree of a lost time,
Days with no hours,
Veins with no blood,
Funeral of the birds
Which wave goodbye on thin air

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.