Lex Talion

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The Architect Of The Forest Lyrics
Father, you see the immensity,
I beg of you - let thy kingdom come,
Distant skies of tranquil clouds, ancient forests that watched me walking by

I am the light, I am the dark, the imperfection,
The teaching, forgiveness and death,
The fragile figure that grew from their creeds
Im the Architect of the Forest
I am who paints their dreams with thin canvas,
The singing of the birds and the silence from the tree hold me
As I lay resting in the grand lake of the life I saw growing

- Father Im so close, give me from your forest, I wish to perish
And to be just a thorn from the rose - to protect myself from this flawed
World you have created for me

- You are the thorn from the rose
You are he who shall protect her so you can both grow

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.