Kun toinen salama maahan li
hn tointui unestaan.
Tahtoi hn kokea voimiaan,
ne liian heikoiks' osoittain.
Aikuistua saanut viel ei,
ei hallita ukkosta.
Oli pojan ensin nyrryttv,
opittava jumalain mahti.
Nyt tunteensa sai, tarttui salamaan,
halki taivaiden viha kaikui!
Nuorukainen pilven pll
Liian nuori salamoita kantamaan.
Kulkee yksin kunnian polkuaan.
Voimattomuus taitonsa musertaa.
Hn liikaa uhosi - kirouksen ansaitsi.
Nyt tunteensa sai, tarttui salamaan,
halki taivaiden viha kaikui!
Hvisten hnet karkoitettiin,
pois pilvilt isns.
[English translation:] [SON OF THE GOD OF THUNDER] As another flash struck to the ground
he recovered from his sleep.
So strong was his urge to test his might
but still he was too weak.
Who has no rites of passage undergone,
he cannot rule the thunder.
The first step is always to humble
and to learn the might of the gods.
Anger he felt, grabbed a thunderbolt
and across the heavens hate echoed!
An adolescent he is to ride a stormy cloud.
So young to carry the faintest bolt of lightning.
Alone he walks his path of honour.
Such skill wasted in lack of strength.
Too bold he was to learn - a grand punishment
Anger he felt, grabbed a thunderbolt
and across the heavens hate echoed!
And lo, by disgrace he was expelled
from the clouds of his father.
This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.