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Pakanajuhla Lyrics

Veljet sek siskot,
kokoontukaamme yhteen pytn!
On meidn malja nostettava
uudelle jumalalle.

Thden alla syntynyt
meidn seuraamme nyt liittyy.
Hn sy kaikki pydn antimet
ja vapahtajaksemme ilmoittautuu.

Ketk asettivat sankarinsa juhlittaviksi
aina meidn pyhiemme aikaan?
Ja he toistuvasti julkeavat puhua meist hpisijin!

Juopot eivt ulos astu lain,
valvova isnt vaihtuu vain.
Sill jok' ikist piv kuluvaa
seuraa loputon pime y.

Pian suden uneen
taas vaipua saa...

[English translation:]


Brothers and sisters,
gather around the table!
A chalice we have to raise
to a god of an unknown faith.

The one born under a star
now joins our company.
He eats all yield of the festive table
and declares himself our savior.

Who did arrange the celebration of their holy
always on the days of our feasts?
And again and again they dare speak of us as blasphemers!

Drunkards never step out of the door,
observing masters alone taking turns.
For every passing day in human life
is followed by an endless dark of night.

Into a wolf's dream
we soon may fall again...

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.