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Kuolleiden Maa Lyrics

Katson pohjaan joen sulaneen | Vesi taittaa valon himmenneen | Katson itseeni,
katson sairauteen | Itseni
kaikesta vapautan | Niin kylm maa jolla makaan | Tunnen sen liikkeen jokaisen
| Yhteen hetkeen mahtuu
elm | Ajatukset virtaavat veden matkassa | Niin lmmin utuinen ilma | Kaukana
aurinko silmilt piilossa |
Maailman suljen nyrkkiini veriseen | Itseni kaikesta vapautan | Hetken kai
luulin olleeni muualla | Turvassa
jumalten kostolta | Miss kohdin kuljimme harhaan? | Ei kukaan tll voi sit
kertoa | Varjona kuljen
kuolleiden maassa | Nen kaikki ymprill kuolleina | Joskus kai synnyin uuteen
maailmaan | En tiennyt sen
pttyvn nin | Kynnyksell uuden uljaan ajan | Yh mietin miten tnne pdyin
| Kuinka loppumme sai
alkunsa | Kuka siit oli vastuussa | En nhnyt suurta petoa | En kuullut lopun
pasuunoita | Kukaan ei tuhonnut
aurinkoa | Vain ihminen kylvi tulta | Aikamme pttyi suruun ja ruttoon | Veli
veljeltn elmn niitti | Miss
kohdin kuljimme harhaan? | Ji kaikille jaettavaksi kuolleiden maa | Olen
siell mist kaikki alkaa uudelleen |
Miss valo ei vrej nyt | Kaikkialle levittytyy tasainen niitty | Vain
taivas yllni vaalenee | Ky rauhaisena
vierellni tuuli | Itse silmni suljen ja itken | Tnne jn, kaipuuta vailla |
Rikotun henkeni veden virtaan annan |
Olen siell mist kaikki alkaa uudelleen | Tyhjn nyttytyy ikuisuus ja
aukenee | Kuolleille kuolleiden maa

[English translation:]

The Land of the Dead

To the bottom of a thawed river I look | Water bends the dimmed light | I look
into myself, I look into
sickness | And release myself from everything | So cold the ground which I lie
upon | I feel it's every move |
Life contained in one moment | Thoughts flow along with water | So warm the
foggy air | Far the sun,
hidden from my eyes | In my bloody fist I enclose the world | And release
myself from everything | For a
while I must've thought I was elsewhere | Safe from the gods' revenge | Where
did we go astray? | Nobody
here can tell | As a shadow I walk in the land of the dead | I see everyone
around me deceased | Someday,
I must have been born into a new world | I did not know this was how it would
end | On the threshold
of a brave new era | Still wondering how I ended up here | How our ending
commenced | And who was
responsible | I did not see a massive beast | Did not hear the trumpets of doom
| Nobody destroyed the
sun | Fire was sowed by man alone | Our time ended in sorrow and plague |
Brothers killed by brothers |
Where did we go astray? | Left for all to divide, the land of the dead | I am
there where everythings
starts and | Where the light shows no colours | An even meadow stretching
everywhere | Only the
sky above me growing lighter | A calm breeze is blowing beside me | I close my
eyes and weep | Here I
shall remain, without yearning | My broken spirit I shall give to the streaming
waters | I am there where
everything starts anew | Eternity shows itself empty and opens up | For the
deceased, the land of the dead

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.