Depeche Mode

Exciter (Multimedia & Interview CD)
Dream On Video
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How do you look back on "Ultra"? Did it live up to your expectations?
At the moment, Martin, you're living on the West side of America, Dave's on the East and Fletch is here in the UK. What's it like when you get back together again?
What's going through your head before the release of the new album? Is this a nervous, hesitant time for you?
Do you miss playing and recording when you're not doing it?
What sort of music were you listening to prior to going into the studio? Does that tend to have an influence on the sound of a record?
What was the first track that you recorded for the album and how important is that track as far as the making of the rest of the album?
What was the inspiration behind "Dream On"?
In the past you've worked with various producers, including Flood, François Kevorkian and Tim Simenon. What made Mark Bell right for "Exciter"?
Which process of making a record do you enjoy most?
What do you think Mark Bell has brought out of you as a vocalist?
How would you describe the mood of "Exciter"?
Are you conscious of not repeating what you've done before and does that get harder as time goes by?
Do you think "Exciter" will surprise people?
How did you arrive at the album title "Exciter"?
Tell us about the album sleeve by Anton Corbijn.
Do you have any favourite lyrics on this album?
What are some of the themes covered in the album?
Do you have any particular favourite tracks on the album?
What about a song title "Goodnight Lovers", which has a lovely, sort of souly feel to it. Where did that song come from?
Martin, you sing lead vocals on two songs on the album. Tell us which ones these are and can you tell us about these songs?
Martin, what do you get from your song writing?
What would you like people to come away with after listening to the album?
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In the past you've worked with various producers, including Flood, François Kevorkian and Tim Simenon. What made Mark Bell right for "Exciter"? Lyrics

This lyric was posted anonymously. Not yet confirmed by Book of Metal.