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Shut Up Lyrics

Shut Up, Shut Up
I'll stick to my guns
Now you stick to yours!
Sit Down
Let's not pretend
That I'll have to use force

Are you Satan?
I don't think so
You copy my style
And you call yourself a man

You want a piece of me?
Yeah... you do
Begging for this and asking for that
Shut Up, Fucking Twat

Shut Up, Fucking Twat

Shut Up, Shut Up
I'll stick to my guns
Now you stick to yours
Sit Down
Let's not pretend
That I'll have to use force

Are you Satan?
I don't think so
You copy my style
And call yourself a man

Never could fathom my hate
Unable to take a hint
Who am I? You haven't got a clue
Satanism is lost on you